Lead's Many Protective Uses
Chemical, sound, radiation, corrosion, weather; the protective qualities of Lead have been well proven over centuries of use. The Romans used to line their wine casks with Lead but that turned out to be a bad idea. They favoured essence of lead in their tipple but discovered the longer term effects when it was too late. By all means use it to protect your assets but our Lead is strictly not for consumption.

Protection and Containment of Chemicals
Royston Lead manufactures material of the highest purity. This provides secure protection to encapsulate vessels and pipes containing hazardous and corrosive substances.
With our ability to manufacture corrosion-resistant products for diverse uses and environments, we have maintained a long-term involvement in supplying lead to the chemical and petrochemical industries.
This routinely involves provision of lead pipework and lead coatings along with technical advice on maintenance so to ensure sustained and effective operation.